Breaking Ground: The First Haitian Presidential Debate of the Diaspora (FIU, Miami, Florida)

Breaking Ground: The First Haitian Presidential Debate of the Diaspora (FIU, Miami, Florida)

Historic Event Recap: First Haitian Presidential Debate of the Diaspora (FIU, Miami, Florida)

On November 14, 2010, at the University of FIU, the attention of the Haitian Diaspora was captivated as eight presidential candidates squared off in a historic debate. Among them were Mme. Mirlande H. Manigat, Mr. Charles Henry Baker, Mr. Jean Henri, and Mr. Garaudy LAGUERRE, each presenting their programs and strategies on crucial issues such as healthcare, education, decentralization, security, development, reconstruction, and the judicial system.

Hosted by NY Friends of Haiti 2010, in collaboration with MinkozeTV, this groundbreaking event unfolded at the WUC Ballroom of the International University of Miami (FIU), North Campus, in North Miami, Florida. The debate was broadcast worldwide, offering the Haitian Diaspora and the general public an unprecedented opportunity to directly engage with the presidential hopefuls.

Under the esteemed moderation of Mr. Patrick ELIANCY, Host of Island TV, and with the participation of prominent journalists Valery Numa and Michel Soukar, the debate facilitated crucial dialogue on Haiti’s most pressing topics. Issues such as the presence of the UN in Haiti, the role of the International Community in post-earthquake rebuilding efforts, dual citizenship and constitutional amendments, disaster preparation and relief, and the pursuit of a transparent, just, and corruption-free government were thoroughly examined.

The debate was livestreamed through, where comprehensive videos of the entire debate were hosted, ensuring widespread access to the discussions. These videos are meticulously organized, allowing for effortless navigation and sharing of specific clips, furthering the dissemination of crucial information.

The success of this event underscores the importance of fostering critical dialogue about Haiti’s future and uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds in the pursuit of transparency, liberty, and justice for all its citizens. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors for their support in making this event possible and invite you to continue supporting our work.

Showcasing picture of the Debate
By | 2024-02-16T20:44:11+00:00 November 1st, 2010|Comments Off on Breaking Ground: The First Haitian Presidential Debate of the Diaspora (FIU, Miami, Florida)

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